Terms And Conditions
- 1. Customers can join the scheme any day of the year.
- 2. Existing members can enroll in multiple schemes.
- 3. KYC (Know Your Customer) verification is mandatory for membership.
- 4. Payments can be made in cash, cheque, or through online options.
- 5. The membership card must be surrendered at redemption.
- 6. Report discrepancies in card entries or receipts within 7 days.
- 7. Late payments will postpone the redemption date.
- 8. Rewards and discounts are forfeited if the scheme is discontinued early.
- 9. The redemption date is 30 days after the last successful installment.
- 10. The scheme is valid only for purchasing jewellery (gold and silver).
- 11. Making charges for jewellery vary based on the item.
- 12. INR 50 will be awarded for new referrals after 5 successful installments by the
referred member.
- 13. Management reserves the right to accept or reject any application without explanation.
- 14. Management’s decision is final in disputes during redemption.
- 15. The scheme does not cover refunds or exchanges for cash or bullion.
- 16. Charges for making jewellery are additional to the scheme investment.
- 17. Taxes on jewellery delivery are the member’s responsibility.
- 18. Taxes on jewellery delivery are the member’s responsibility. Scheme benefits
- 19. Terms and conditions are subject to change at management’s discretion.
- 20. The scheme is valid only for jewellery purchases.